My name is Danna, rhymes with banana.

I’m a ceremonialist, end-of-life soulsmith, grief tender, wife, parent, activist/ abolitionist, adoptee, writer, and occasional artist. I see life as one continuous ceremony from birth to earth. And I see little altars in all of life’s moments.

I first began blogging nearly 20 years ago after moving to the Pacific Northwest from Canada. It was my way to make sense of my culture shock during the Dubya2 era. That old soapbox and my HolySchmidt blog dissolved into the ethers when MSN Spaces went away but those writings still live in a binder on my bookshelf, hundreds of pages thick with archived posts. My daily writings during those early years of parenting and adjusting to living here helped me find my voice as a writer.



…is quasi-derivative of those old blogs. It’s a next gen place where you’ll find thoughtful and/or inane and irreverent musings, weekly soulful poetry, provocative prose, and a basket load of life-altering + altaring practices & rituals designed to help you navigate human’ing in new ways.

If this sounds like your cup of spiked espresso, hit subscribe and if the grumpy man at the gate asks you for the secret password, wink and tell him it’s coddiwomple.

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Soulful and Life Altar/ing Ponderings. Poetry. Praxis.


My name is Danna, rhymes with banana. I’m a ceremonialist, soulsmith, grief tender, wife, mother, adoptee, writer + poem finder.